Instagram has been online marketer’s hottest toy lately. And for a good reason: Instagram is growing like crazy! According to the site itself, their userbase grew from 90 million active users to more than 400 million active users in less than two years (2013-2015).
Instagram has the most engaging community: Engagement with brands on Instagram is 54 times higher than on Pinterest, 10 times higher than on Facebook, and 84 times higher than on Twitter.
Truly, Instagram is the marketing goldmine which is why i am so excited when a new Instagram tool comes out to open up new possibilities to market at the visual marketing monster.
Yotpo has come up with the new Instagram curation tool allowing brands to leverage the power of authentic user-generated photos from Instagram.
Enhanced Instagram Searching Capabilities
Yotpo offers some unique Instagram searching options allowing you to search for:
One or more hashtags
One or more @usernames
Search results contain Instagram updates that satisfy one of your criteria. This way you can curate Instagram effectively combining several search terms within one search results page.
This comes particularly useful when you:
Track your brand hashtags in order to collect authentic visual reviews and testimonials (many brands have several branded hashtags these days including the main #brandname hashtag, all your past contests, product names, giveaways, etc.)
Make sure you are not missing a single entry to your Instagram contest
Monitor several of your competitors
Enhanced Instagram Engagement Capabilities
With the enhanced curation options comes even more impressive engagement possibilities. With Yotpo you can now meaningfully engage with many Instagram updates in bulk thanking users for featuring you and your product, welcoming contest entries and asking for permissions to republish brand-relevant content to your own marketing presences..
You can set your messages using curation settings:
Now, using the search feature, find the most relevant Instagram updates and post your customized message with one click:
You can also enroll your team into curating Instagram updates for you sending the selected entries into the moderation queue from where you can review and publish the content to your properties.
Publicize Curated Instagram Updates on Your Blog
With you and your team curating Instagram, you’ll want to best publicize the effort. Yotpo offers a customizable widget you can embed on your pages to serve as the social media proof displaying visual testimonials and authentic reviews.
I am pretty sure Yotpo has come up with some really unique Instagram functionality brands will find very useful for lots of Instagram marketing efforts.
The post New Instagram Curation Tool to Boost Your Instagram Presence appeared first on SEO Chat.
Source: SEO Chat
Link: New Instagram Curation Tool to Boost Your Instagram Presence
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