Over the past few years, it’s become easier than ever to stream live videos online, from celebrity updates to special events. But it’s not always easy for people to determine which videos are live and know when to tune in. Today, we’re introducing new tools to help more people discover your livestreams in Search and Assistant. With livestream structured data and the Indexing API, you can let Google know when your video is live, so it will be eligible to appear with a red “live” badge: Add livestream structured data to your pageIf your website streams live videos, use the livestream developer documentation to flag your video as a live broadcast and mark the start and end times. In addition, VideoObject structured data is required to tell Google that there’s a video on your page. Update Google quickly with the Indexing APIThe Indexing API now supports pages with livestream structured data. We encourage you to call the Indexing API to request that your site is crawled in time for the livestream. We recommend calling the Indexing API when your livestream begins and ends, and if the structured data changes. For more information, visit our developer documentation. If you have any questions, ask us in the Webmaster Help Forum. We look forward to seeing your live videos on Google! Posted by Danielle Marshak, Product Manager
Source: Google Webmaster Central Blog
Link: Introducing the Indexing API and structured data for livestreams
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