Last year, we launched Shopping remarketing lists to help you reconnect with past visitors to your site. Now, through your existing customer data of offline and online signals, we’re making it easier for you to re-engage your loyal shoppers as they shop on Google. Today we’re announcing Customer Match for Shopping, a new opportunity to focus campaigns on your highest-value audiences – your previous purchasers, rewards members, newsletter subscribers, or local in-store shoppers. Already available on Search, Gmail, and YouTube, we’re announcing the launch of Customer Match for Shopping ads. Customer Match for Shopping allows you to upload a list of email addresses, which can be matched to signed-in users on Google in a secure and privacy-safe way.How it worksCustomer Match can be used to increase the visibility of your brand and products to your highest value customers as they search. Say you’re a retailer that specializes in sporting goods and you have a rewards program for die-hard baseball fans. Since it’s baseball season you have a segment of customers who are likely thinking to make purchase soon. By using Customer Match, you can increase your bids for this segment. So the next time a fan searches for gear, you can meet him or her with the right product at the right time. Customer Match for Shopping allows you to adjust bids across various segments of your known high-value customers. To start, upload a list of email addresses into AdWords, which can be securely and privately matched to signed-in users on Google. This offers the ability to create a remarketing list to reach these customers across your campaigns. Roland Mouret puts loyal customers first Retailers are already seeing strong results with our current Customer Match solution on Search, Gmail and YouTube. For example, Roland Mouret, a French fashion designer, recently launched their online store and used Customer Match for Search to preview their Autumn and Winter line with loyal customers. Highlighting these fashions to existing customers helped drive an 87% reduction in cost-per-action.Customer Match for Shopping will be rolling out later this summer. You can sign up here if you’re interested in participating in the current beta. Posted by Archana Kannan, Product Manager for Google Shopping
Source: Google Inside Adwords
Link: Re-engage your loyal customers with Customer Match for Shopping
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